We love to share success stories, and Kecia is a great example of what a person can accomplish!
Kecia recently graduated from the Career Online High School (COHS) program, while balancing a job and family. She was kind enough to sit down and talk to us about her experiences completing the program. As a graduate, Kecia earned her accredited high school diploma as well as her career certificate, but what we were really curious about is what the experience of being a COHS student is like?
In this quick interview Kecia walked us through:
- How she discovered COHS through the library’s website.
- The ease of the application and interview process.
- Why she chose COHS over the stress and expense of taking the HISET or GED exams.
- How her counselor kept her engaged and motivated.
- What it’s like to complete a degree on your computer at home, while taking care of your family and holding down a job.
- The benefits of the career course including: a resume, education on your rights as an employee, and interview tips.
- How the mixed format of video, reading, and tests worked for all kinds of learners. Including the option to listen to your assignments if you weren’t up to reading that night.
- How obtaining her diploma allowed her to overcome assumptions people had placed on her in the past.
- Much, much more.
Listen to Kecia’s whole interview here and learn about this fantastic program that opens the doors to opportunity.