A Volunteer’s View of Literacy KC

We sat down with Janice, a volunteer tutor for Literacy KC in our Ticket to Read program, to find out more about why she dedicates her time to our organization.

What drew you to Literacy KC?

“I retired at the end of 2010 and knew I wanted to get involved with literacy. I saw an ad in the paper for Literacy KC and called and they said they needed volunteers. I completed the training program and began volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer for 5 years now.”

Why did you become a volunteer?

“I have always been really interested in reading and I know how important reading is in order for people to do well in life. I also knew that there was a big literacy problem. You always hear of all these reports of children graduating from high school who aren’t reading or reading at a third grade level and I knew that was something I wanted to help with. When I was a kid we didn’t have video games or much television, so we either stayed inside and read or played outside with friends.”

What is important about the work that you do?

“I’m hopefully helping people on their path to becoming readers!”

What is important about the work that Literacy KC does?

“Filling a big need. We know that there is a huge percentage of adults that are unable to read. I really don’t know how people can function without reading. Today’s society is too complex to get along without it and it amazes me how people manage to get by despite a lack of reading.”

Why do you think it is important to have volunteers at Literacy KC?

“You couldn’t do the job without the volunteers. The instructors can’t teach everybody; volunteers are needed to help out. There is such a difference in each individual’s needs that you almost need to break off and spend time one on one with each individual, and some days we are, depending on the day.”

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Spring 2016 may 4 1971

Volunteer Tutor Janice (center) with the rest of the Instructor Julia Wendt’s A1 Ticket to Read Class.

What is your favorite part of Literacy KC?

“My favorite part is just helping the students with the basics. I love meeting all these people from so many different backgrounds and I am so inspired by a lot of the students, they are just amazing. 

If you could describe Literacy KC in one word, what would that word be and why?

“Marvelous. Because reading is just marvelous and this organization is just marvelous. There is so much enthusiasm for the students and teachers that it’s great. It’s great that so many people can care about this one thing; it is very essential to this part of life.”

We are so thankful to have amazing volunteers like Janice! Our volunteers, donors, and partners are the backbone of our organization and our success is directly linked to your involvement.

Are you thinking about volunteering with Literacy KC? You can volunteer from as little as one hour all the way to becoming a classroom tutor! For more information, please visit our website at literacykc.org or email kbrown@literacykc.org for volunteer opportunities. You may also call our office at 816-333-9332![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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