Abigail Lambke started with Literacy KC as a tutor in our Ticket to Read Program. Abigail transitioned into volunteering for our digital literacy classes, where she was able to interact with students in our computer lab on their coursework and life skills needs. As she continued to work with students in the lab, she began to brainstorm ways that she could become more involved.
Outside of volunteering at Literacy KC, Abigail is an Assistant Professor of English at Avila University. One particular component of her current English class is that the students must participate in service learning hours. Abigail sat down with Literacy KC’s Digital Inclusion Fellow, Sarah Bell and Volunteer Coordinator, Kate Brown and brainstormed a way to bring together her English students and her love for this organization into something that would benefit the students – from that, a student written, created, and focused newsletter was formed!
This new and exciting partnership allows Literacy KC students to submit their favorite jokes, poems, letters, and stories to Avila University students. Then, the Literacy KC Student Advisory Council members will have the opportunity to be mentored by Avila University students to create and publish the 1st edition of a student newsletter! Thank you to Abigail & Avila University for helping our students make their voices heard! We are confident that both Literacy KC students & Avila University students will benefit from the time spent with one another. For more information about this partnership, email rhenderson@literacykc.org or call 816-333-9332.